High quality filter which has high clarity and long life
It is binderless, pure and high mechanical strength filter which is made from the thermal bonded fiber of the polyolefin. It is excellent in chemical resistance, capable with various type of filtration clarity, also filter life is long since pressure drop is so small that flow rate can be high. We can support you for down sizing of your products by making suitable size of filter by 100% custom-made manufacturing. We also produce filter from the thermal bonded polyester fiber, we can consider using various high performance fiber as bicomponent on your request. We will make small lot to large lot.
- MF-I FILTER is formed as the cylindrical shape
by thermal bonded structure with polyolefin material. - Mechanical strength is high and chemicals resistance is excellent.
- Filtration flow rate can be large since pressure drop is so small
with high porosity. - Polyester fiber is able to formed as cylindrical shape
with thermal bonded structure.

- ■ Filter for liquid
- ■ Filter for air
- ■ Filter for paints
- ■ Core filter media of activated carbon filter
- ■ Filter for purifier
- ■ Pre-filter of pure water production
- ■ Transfer roller
- ■ Water collecting pipe
- ■ Diffuser tube
- ■ Muffling material
- ■ Inner diameter:5mmΦ~200mmΦ
- ■ Outer diameter:7mmΦ~215mmΦ
- ■ Thickness:1mm~30mm
- ■ Length: 5mm ~ 580mm
(It is available up to 1,000mm according to the product.) - ※Since it is build-to-order, please let us know your favor for diameter, thickness and filtration rate
We contribute to protect environment by making filter for drainage and oil separator of large ship. We are making also parts for activated carbon filter of purifier. Our products are also used for filter of painting line for automobiles.

Separator for water and
sewage treatment

Parts for activated carbon filter
on purifier

Filter for painting line